You can dramatically increase your income by improving the quality of your Internet presence. When you can entertain and inspire people via the web, you stimulate people’s desire to buy. In business, your face is your logo. Websites, films, blogs, advertising, newsletters and e-mails add up to create the image you project.
When people see you doing what you love they naturally feel a sense of trust. This course provides the rehearsal, filming, writing and media training you need for that.
There are three secrets of business for the “brick and mortar” shops—location, location, and location. Traditional merchants draw their customers from the people who stop to look into their shop window. The three business secrets of free agent entrepreneurs are entertainment, education, and energy. Clients choose us based on what they see in our ‘shop window’--the website and the videos we put on the Internet.
Most sites are predictable and boring. Few displays make you want to tune in again, or to tell other people about what you have seen. Anyone can hire a nerd to program the same tired format and repeat the well-worn claims of their profession. When you understand your web presence as performance art, you come to the realization that you have to step out of your shell and project yourself into the image. Your financial success depends on igniting the curiosity and desire of other people with your enthusiasm and flair. We can help you post that image on the World Wide Web.
Prior students of this course have been astonished to see how much talent was hidden beneath their social identity. As they shed the opinions of others and let go of their negative self-images, they emerged as brilliant entertainers and natural born advertisements for what they believed in.
The 6-Day Media and Film School is a delightful process of self-discovery. First we bring out the inner player. Then our tech coaches get you excited about mastering the cameras and computer programs you need to present yourself with winning style.
When the fun starts you will laugh like you haven’t laughed in years. The joy in your face and the sense of ease in your body will transmit the feeling you want to convey to your clients and fans. Success in business comes from balancing creativity with execution. At Sage University we specialize in bringing business and pleasure together to inspire, so that your message glows with authenticity.
Your product or service has the potential to improve the lives of many people. But first they have to know about it. When an important message links up with a new medium, the results are Earth shaking. Early Christians were able to spread their message of love and peace because the Roman roads had recently extended to all part of the Western world. Gandhi shared his message of non-violent resistance through the power of a printing press in a tent that he carried from place to place. Martin Luther King expanded that message throughout America with strategic use of modern news broadcasting. But the media tools they used don’t even begin to compare to what you can do with the advantages of the new information super highway.
Now is the time to get in on the ground floor of the global communication network by mastering the message and the medium that can make your offering a household name. You will:
• Expand your business faster than you ever thought was possible.
• Awaken the profound inner humorist that reflects your true nature.
• Transcend worries and doubts that have held you back in the past.
• Conduct exciting video projects with a spirited team of entrepreneurs.
• Discover deeper dimensions of aliveness and participation.
• Pioneer innovative presentations that attract the right people to your business.
• Learn how to lead teams to conduct effective projects.
• Create great friendships that put you at the center of your own financial web.
• Develop the vision of a producer and the passion of a great performer.
Tuition for this course is less than you would spend for only one or two hours in a traditional music or film studio (1.000€). But here you get to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime through 6 days of total immersion in composition, presentation and technical skills. You will earn back your investment of time and money many times over during the course of your career. Summer camp was never this much fun. Take the first step toward a whole new future for yourself in media and register today.