No matter how talented or intelligent you are, you can't tickle yourself or laugh joyfully at your own humor. The finest, most surprising experiences in our lives come from other people. Our human design is based on our ability to light each other up. That is why partnership is the most essential factor in your life.
True happiness depends on your ability to forge special partnerships within your web of personal and professional relationships. Mia Sage has created an intelligent, reliable way for you to enjoy passionate, trusting partnerships that give birth to harmonious families and exciting business projects. In two fun-filled days you will find the "aha" that will put you on the path to genuine kindness and intimacy.
People often navigate their careers and lifestyles by their feelings. But mixed feelings don't always reflect reality. Contagious emotions from your job and your circle of friends can cloud your heart and mind. Unresolved anxiety and anger inhibit the curiosity and freshness of appreciation you share with the people who love you. Misunderstandings poison trust and dull authentic love. Few people have the skills to sift through events and encounters that govern how their lives unfold. Time dulls vivid sensations. Even the most loving people often end up lonely, struggling to create the lifestyle they desire.
The Sage University Partnership course is an interactive class that will open your eyes to a new reality. Friendly, humorous trainers use role play and deep interviews to reveal the governing dynamics in your business, and social relationships. We never give advice or criticize. Our unique inner theater provides a light-hearted way to discover four new communication patterns you can use to win the loyalty and appreciation of the people who matter most. As your clarity improves you will shift into a higher awareness that you can use to make better choices.
When two or more people join together in meaningful activities they become "part of a ship"-- a part-ner-ship. What happens to your partner also happens to you. It is essential to keep your craft afloat by weathering the storms of life together. Mia doesn't just teach about partnership. In the twelve years she has shared with her partner, they have constantly, consistently enjoyed lightness of being that transcends pain, pressure, and pleasure. You can find your own lightness by osmosis through her books, videos, and courses. With a little practice you will transform into a highly skilled observer of connections that are invisible to others.
Partnership is a brief, inexpensive experience that will lift your relationships into a whole new dimension. Come for the fun. Come to learn. And come to design the life that suits your sweet loving nature.